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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Can you feel it?

There is an undercurrent of unrest rippling through the liberal fields these days. Arkansas is now feeling it in a big way. They are in possible danger of losing ALL of their seats in Congress this year. Delaware is on the are many other places. What ever happened to the Congressman who would vote what his constituents wanted, and not his own personal interests or those of his party leadership?

It's time, America...if we have to recycle the entire Congress, then I say we DO it, and make sure that the ones we elect know that they work for US, we do NOT work for them.

Hello, all

I have read blogs, heard about blogs, talked about blogs, but have never HAD a blog. So bear with me. I have a lot of opinions...maybe not so popular with everybody, but nonetheless, they are MY opinions, and I welcome diverse points of view.

Feel free to disagree with me, as long as you can disagree and we can still smile, shake hands, and part as friends.